Welcome to Vegan Black Man! The 1st and official health resource, and vegan community network for black men, by black men worldwide! The VBM alliance unites all vegan black male influencers and common doers regardless of religion, conscious school of thought, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and geographic background. To avoid confusion and conflict, All members associated within this organization, are categorized under one consensus; We are "Vegan Black Men".

The mission is to encourage and inspire every black man on Earth to go vegan, unite, and put on for our family, friends, and the people of Earth!

The days of sleeping with a mask, erectile dysfunction, organ failure, sudden death, lost opportunities, and division amongst our melanated brothers are coming to an end. We live in a corrupt Babylon system that is trying to kill us with poisonous food; and replace us with advanced technology. The only way to liberate ourselves is to revolutionize our health and unify in economics and camaraderie and become sovereign without the need to lean on the system for everything.

Health and Unity is a must! And it must begin with Black Men coming to this consensus and coming together to do the work. It's now or never!




The 12 Elemental Tenets are comprised of the flame leaf logo that Black Men of the future have a natural affinity to gravitate towards. All Elements are interrelated and can all be embodied simultaneously. Take any situation you are in, either during peace or conflict, and tap into one of the elements for resolution. 

 IE: if you are fasting, meditating, or connecting with like-minded people, you are in the Water element. If you are eating plant-based, show empathy for the animals and all living things, and take a grounded, practical approach to resolving conflict; you are in the Earth element. If you are engaged in hard work in any endeavor, highly concentrated on the task at hand, and making your wildest dreams come true; you are in the Fire element.

These principles, imbued in your entire being, embody what it means to be a Vegan Black Man. Tape into these elements according to your situation and make big things happen. As the government previously slew individual black leaders, The logo, the branding, and the tenets behind this movement were created and written with biblical fervor. It is designed to serve as a foundation intellectual structure and protective armor for all Vegan Black Men. These tenets will ensure that if one of us were to pass on, the message would still be preserved and carried on by other Vegan Black Men while maintaining its original context. They can quickly silence and kill a strong man. But it isn’t easy to do the same to a strong brand. These are "The Elemental Tenets" that make up our secret society...

Craig @craigthomahawk

On the left is my unripe 26-year-old self. I hid it well behind jokes and laughs, but my body was ready to give out any day due to my self-infliction from animal consumption and pharmaceutical drugs. I suffered from Obesity, hiatal hernia, IBS, critically high blood pressure (199/100), anxiety, migraines, sleep apnea, allergies, and "unexplained cardiac issues," as the doctor tells me after my second hypertensive crisis. Nexium pills kept me unaccountable, Blood pressure pills kept me sedated, and Xanax pills turned me into a numb zombie. I was one foot in the grave and feeling hopeless. I thought I was going to die young, and nobody could explain why. I was too mindless to make the connection on my own until I received an unexpected visit from a friend I hadn't seen in a while. He put me on the teachings of Dr. Sebi and alkalinity, and how if I fasted for 30 days, all of my health problems would go away, along with my excess weight. I was flabbergasted by the information I received, but as desperate as I was, I didn't hesitate to take action based on the newfound knowledge. 37 days after fasting, I became a new person, physically and mentally. I was truly born again. Out of all the so-called professionals and experts, who would have thought one of my brothas from another would be the one to pass the knowledge down to me so I could save myself? Endowed with gratitude for my new lease in life, I've decided to pay it forward and dedicate my existence on Earth to building the ultimate self-improvement and Unity resource for black men worldwide.

Follow (@craigthomahawk on IG and Youtube)

Jamal @dopejamal

Update from my 90 days plant-based. The benefits have been so great I’ve considered following through into the new year. This journey started off rough, but I bought in, and it’s been so dope. the most exciting thing was the improvement in my blood pressure. In late October, my blood pressure was 142/88 I had a check-up today, and it’s 124/79! Eat right and move your body.. it actually works!

Follow Jamal on IG @dopejamal (click here)

Sahl @bufftofu

I was 204 pounds and 20% body fat in the first photo. In the second photo, I’m 165 pounds and 8% body fat. I reached this goal by eating a wide variety of plant-based foods and working out six days a week. Hope this motivates others to do the same. You can reach your fitness with some discipline and dedication and a healthy plant-based diet.

Follow Sahl @bufftofu on IG (Click Here)

Darius @morningstarslight

My vegan transition was a little different from most. I didn’t have a debilitating condition, I wasn’t tired of being overweight, I just came into a new overstanding of health. I realized how important sustainability, mobility, and confidence in our spirits are. We have more to give this world than our bodies. Looking good to feel good is important. And yet, that should never take away from developing other aspects of our lives. Continue to find and expand your balance kings, so many of the things we have been taught are lies. Find yourself in service to others and in the service that you bring to the Earth. The rest of these people aren’t like us; that’s a fact. Tap into that melanin and discover your fulfillment. We are the children of the Sun. ☀️💪🏾 Be safe my brothers!

Follow @morningstarslignt on IG (Click Here)

Milton @kingmilt77

Choosing to become Vegan was the best thing that has ever happened to me concerning my health and wellness, mentally and physically! Lost @110 lbs so far through veganism, intermittent fasting, constant exercising, meditation, yoga, and a strong sense of self-determination to succeed and be the example for others to follow.

Follow Milton @kingmilt77 on IG (Click Here)

Terry @nunnienoon

My name is Terry “Nunnie” Green, and I’m celebrating 2 years of my plant-based vegan lifestyle!! I’m over 50 pounds down. On a journey of healing, health, and wellness!!

Follow Terry @nunienoon in IG (click here)

Will @plantbased4lyfe

Man....every time I look at the old me...I get excited about Dem Damn Plants!!....and what they have done for that guy in the right picture With this year winding down, I am grateful for this year's health and wellness accomplishments. Praise GOD!!! I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO THE GUY ON THE LEFT. With all those dis-eases that I used to have...All gone now!! PROMISE!!🦍🥦💙 4 Lyfe Nothing absolutely nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

Follow Will at www.plantbased4lyfe.com (click here)

Thank you!


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